Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Wednesday, 10/13/10

For Immediate Release

Contact: Susan Barry
Anna C. Little for Congress, Inc.


(HIGHLANDS, October 13) - Republican Congressional challenger Anna Little - an independent wife and mother who, unlike her 22-year incumbent opponent, Frank Pallone, has never voted for, and will never vote for, Nancy Pelosi to be Speaker of the House of Representatives - today reiterated that she "gets it," and asked if her opponent even understands the term.

"People greet me all the time when we're out knocking on doors," said Little, "and household after household, I hear the same thing - 'Anna, you get it.'

"When working families in the Sixth District tell me they're having a hard time making ends meet, I get it.

"When they tell me they're upset that the politicians in Washington don't seem to care about what their constituents back home think, I get it.

"When they share with me the difficulties of trying to make the mortgage payment, save for the kids' braces and maybe put away a little something for college or even a weekend getaway down the Shore, I get it.

"When mothers tell me of their concerns over the government takeover of healthcare, and their fear that they'll no longer be able to see the doctor of their choice, whether for themselves or their children, I get it.

"When seniors tell me of their anger that the bill Frank Pallone voted for cuts Medicare by $500 billion, I get it.

"When I'm told that taxes are too high, and government spends too much, and we're drowning in a river of red ink thanks to politicians like Frank Pallone, I get it.

"That's why 200 people came out to walk with us in the Columbus Day Parade in Long Branch on Sunday," continued Little. "But 200 people didn't come out to walk with Frank Pallone. Fewer than a dozen did.

"I guess that's because Frank just doesn't get it. Does he even understand the term?

"Remember, you cannot change Washington without changing the people we send to Washington!"

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