Monday, July 16, 2012

Statement on the UN Gun Ban Treaty

HIGHLANDS, NJ, July 16th – Anna Little, candidate for the Sixth Congressional District here,
condemned the U.N. Small Arms Ban Treaty that lawmakers in D.C. are taking up this week.
“The U.N. has repeatedly failed to protect innocent civilians, and we have no reason to trust the
U.N.,” she said. “The United Nations anti-gun agenda has only led to mass genocide. U.N.
resolutions have failed to prevent ‘ethnic cleansing,’ murder, sexual assaults, and forced
displacement of civilians by those in authority.”
Currently, the U.N. has sent Kofi Annan as special U.N. Envoy to negotiate peace in the Syrian
civil conflict. Previously, Annan became head of U.N. Peacekeeping Forces in March 1993, and
later became Secretary General of the U.N. During his tenure, the largest modern-day mass
slaughters occurred: in Rwanda in 1994, in Bosnia in 1995, and in Kosovo in 1999.
It is also disturbing that the U.N. is meeting this month to discuss a small-arms weapons ban
treaty. Without small arms, Libyans would have been unable to protect themselves from the
Muammar Gaddafi’s henchmen, not end his dictatorship in 2011. Moreover, it was NOT the
U.N. who helped Libyans, but the direct intervention of military forces from the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization (NATO). NATO forces also established peace in Bosnia and Kosovo,
whereas the U.N. utterly failed to protect the people of Rwanda, Bosnia, and Kosovo from
Incidents can happen anywhere due to the failings of human nature. Here in the United States,
Condoleezza Rice mentioned in her biography how her father joined a neighborhood watch to
protect African American homes from being burned down by racists in the 1960's. The local
police at that time did nothing to stop these attacks, nor did they arrest anyone for burning down
homes in her Alabama neighborhood. If not for the rights protected by the Second Amendment,
her family and neighbors would not have had the rifles or shotguns to protect their families from
the racists at night. This is why our Founders specifically called out this right for all citizens:
When the government and police fail to protect honest civilians, to whom do you turn for
The U.N. gun ban does nothing to protect people. All it does is create a greater population
subject to victimization by gangs, criminals, and tyrants. The Founding Fathers of the United
States, through hard experience in the lawless frontier and in relations with a royal government
increasingly hostile to their rights as subjects, deemed the right to bear arms as key to individual
self protection and so enshrined this inalienable right in the Second Amendment.
The Founders also saw the right to bear arms as an essential element of freedom, providing our
citizens and all free peoples assurances against tyranny and despotism. They knew that dictators
tend to restrict or ban their subjects from possessing arms in order to help control the population,
as King James II had attempted to do about a century earlier. In the 20th Century, some of
history’s most notorious tyrants, including the leaders of Germany and the Soviet Union in the
mid-1930's, imposed rigid gun restrictions.
But this administration refuses to acknowledge the wisdom of our Founders. U.S. Attorney
General Eric Holder, in February 2009, mentioned his support of the President's ban to sell
assault weapons to Americans. Yet Holder allows assault weapons to be sold and transported to
the drug cartels in Mexico under the disastrous Fast and Furious Operation. Why does the U.S.
Attorney General permit drug cartels to obtain assault weapons, but law-abiding Americans
residing in urban neighborhoods of Chicago, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C. can not
purchase pistols for self protection?
Like many of my constituents and Americans across the country, I believe the State of Texas’
Castle Law Doctrine is the proper and responsible way for honest citizens to own firearms to
protect their families and homes. Independence is being able to take care of yourself, rather than
relying solely on the government for every form of support.
We are one of the few free countries that allow the average citizen to own firearms. We must
elect a new President, Senator, and Congressional Representative who will protect our Second
Amendment rights and prevent the UN from oppressing our nation. Please write to your elected
officials and contact the President today, and ask them not to give away our right to bear arms to
the U.N.
For more information about Anna Little for Congress, or to volunteer, please visit or call 732-658-5461.

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