Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Remember We Can't Change Washington Without Changing The People We Send There!

For Immediate Release


Anna Little
Anna C. Little for Congress, Inc.

Remember We Can't Change Washington Without Changing The People We Send There!

Thank you for your support over the past year. Talking with voters across the 6th Congressional District of New Jersey has continued to inspire me and has shown me that the desire to take back our government is real. Today, we have the rare opportunity to restore common-sense principles to Washington D.C. Together, we can:

-Repeal the Government take-over of Health Care.

-Stop the Reckless Deficit Spending of the Pelosi-Pallone agenda.

-Stop the Tax Hikes and Get New Jersey Back to Work. The choice is clear. Polls are open until 8 pm tonight.

Please Vote for me, Anna Little, today when you go to the voting booth. I would be deeply honored to have your vote.

After you've voted, I hope you will consider helping getting others out to vote. If you can make calls, pass out literature or go door to door please call our headquarters at 732-658-5461.

If you need a ride to the polls or have any other questions please call 732-658-5461

Remember we can't change Washington without changing the people we send there!

Thank You!

Anna C. Little

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