For Immediate Release
Anna C. Little for Congress Inc.
P.O. Box 382
Highlands, NJ 07732
(732) 216-4771
Highlands, NJ—Anna's Army broke their weekly record in Aberdeen this past Saturday by personally knocking on over 2,900 doors after making more than 2,300 phone calls. Campaigning with Monmouth County Republican Freeholder candidate Tom Arnone and Sheriff Candidate Shaun Golden, 6th District Republican nominee forCongress Anna Little solidified her status as one of the most prolific "shoe leather" campaigners the District has ever seen.
Anna and the ever-growing army of volunteers will head back to Middlesex County and knock on doors in Middlesex Boro this Saturday, August 21st. The time and place of the public meet and greet will be announced on Wednesday, August 18th.

Anna C. Little for Congress Inc.
P.O. Box 382
Highlands, NJ 07732
(732) 216-4771
Anna's Army takes Aberdeen by Storm
Campaign Train heads to Middlesex Boro on Saturday
Campaign Train heads to Middlesex Boro on Saturday
Highlands, NJ—Anna's Army broke their weekly record in Aberdeen this past Saturday by personally knocking on over 2,900 doors after making more than 2,300 phone calls. Campaigning with Monmouth County Republican Freeholder candidate Tom Arnone and Sheriff Candidate Shaun Golden, 6th District Republican nominee forCongress Anna Little solidified her status as one of the most prolific "shoe leather" campaigners the District has ever seen.
Anna and the ever-growing army of volunteers will head back to Middlesex County and knock on doors in Middlesex Boro this Saturday, August 21st. The time and place of the public meet and greet will be announced on Wednesday, August 18th.
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