Friday, May 28, 2010
Steve Lonegan Endorses Mayor Anna Little for Congress
For Immediate Release
Contact: Xenia Haines
P.O. Box 382 Highlands, NJ 07332
(732) 216-4771
Steven Lonegan, former Mayor of Bogota, gubernatorial candidate and Executive Director of Americans for Prosperity-New Jersey, endorsed the candidacy of Mayor Anna Little for Congress in New Jersey’s 6th District on Thursday. “I am happy to announce my enthusiastic support for Highlands Mayor, Anna Little, as the Republican "Tea-Party Approved" Nominee in New Jersey’s 6th Congressional District”, said Lonegan.
In a mass email to his thousands of supporters on Thursday, Lonegan also noted that “earlier this year, Anna overwhelmingly won the straw poll at the Americans for Prosperity and the Political Club for Growth Candidate’s Forum. Mayor Anna Little knows how to lead and govern with an eye toward fiscal responsibility.”
Steve Lonegan is and has been New Jersey’s number one champion for taxpayers and Mayor Little unequivocally shares Steve’s vision for common sense tax reform that is necessary for all of New Jersey’s residents. Lonegan said, “Anna is a gifted communicator who will go to Congress as a stateswoman, not a politician, and who will work for the right kind of change in government.”
In response to the endorsement, Mayor Little stated: “What an honor it is to receive the endorsement of Steve Lonegan, one of the strongest supporters of the Tea Party movement. Steve is unabashedly direct in promoting conservative policy and putting taxpayers first. I am humbled by his enthusiastic support of my candidacy for Congress.”
Lonegan encourages all Republicans from New Jersey’s 6th District to vote for Mayor Anna Little in the primary on June 8th as she is the only Republican qualified to represent the 6th District. He stated that “[a]side from her experience, intelligence and independence, she is also the only Republican candidate who actually lives in the 6th district.
It is time to retire Frank Pallone; a healthy dose of New Jersey conservatism and common sense in the form of Mayor Little is just the right medicine.”
Visit for more information
Follow Anna on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube
Thursday, May 27, 2010
NJ Right to Life PAC Endorses Anna Little for Congress
"We're thrilled to have a candidate like Anna Little that we can support," said Marie Tasey, Executive Director, "Anna is the right candidate at the right time."
Appropriately, Little got the news from Tasey this afternoon while she was visiting a toddler whose mother she had convinced against having an abortion and who the Little family supported for the first few months of the child's life.
"I am thrilled, honored and proud to have the NJ Right to Life endorsement," Little said, "Marie's phone call was the most satisfying moment of this campaign so far. There is a lot going right for us."
Monday, May 24, 2010
NJ Tea Party Endorsement
for NJ-6 Congressional GOP primary
NJTeaParty has voted unanimously to support Mayor Anna Little of Highlands Borough, NJ for the Republican nomination in New Jersey's 6th Congressional district spanning Middlesex, Monmouth, Somerset and Union Counties.
The decision was announced following a vetting procedure established by the organization including research, written commitments by the candidate on 21 policy positions, an intensive two-hour hearing, and final review by the membership ending in a vote.
"Anna Little is the only true Conservative seeking office in the 6th Congressional district," said Jeff Weingarten, President of the group, citing her belief in jobs creation in the private sector, fiscal responsibility, free markets, secure borders, domestic energy production, Second Amendment individual rights and other principles upheld by the Tea Party movement.
"We believe she is the best candidate to defeat Congressman Frank Pallone in November, 2010," he said.
NJTeaParty is an association of the leaders of individual Tea Party organizations and other conservative organizations for the purpose of maximizing their collective influence.
For information go to
Mayor Anna Little of Highlands Borough, NJ
NJTeaParty Spokesman:
Jeffrey M. Weingarten
Office: 973-272-3341
Cell: 201-780-3696
Fax: 973-467-3927
Anna Little Responds to Frank Pallone's Press Release regarding Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
For Immediate Release
Contact: Anna C. Little for Congress Inc.
P.O. Box 382
Highlands, NJ 07732
(732) 216-4771
Anna Little Responds to Frank Pallone's Press Release regarding Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
Continuing to misunderstand and misdiagnose the causes of our economic downturn, Frank Pallone on May 17th issued a press release outlining his support of yet another level of useless and detrimental government bureaucracy to the already stifling regulatory system emanating from Washington. Considering how completely out of touch with Main Street Frank Pallone actually is, this is not surprising.
Anna Little, small-town Mayor and 6th District Congressional candidate with a direct line to the people she will serve, spoke with the Two River Times and properly addressed the issue rather than demagoging the banks and financial institutions who are merely symptoms of a problem that begins and ends in Washington
Mayor Little said that "Government regulation is not the answer to the fraud and abuse of shareholders that occurs on Wall Street. Government regulation drives up the cost of business and interferes with free market competition. "
Responding to Pallone’s claims that D.C. has all the answers, regardless of the fact that they are in fact the career politicians who caused the meltdown in the first place, Mayor Little noted that "Business experts know their industry, and can expose fraud, and reckless behavior. The best redress is via the civil and criminal court systems."
Finally, Mayor Little points out that Washington and Frank Pallone have proven themselves wholly incompetent in directing the economy and that more such efforts will only lead to more cost, more loss and near permanent unemployment:
"If the Federal Reserve is an example of the competence of Government to regulate the financial market, my point is made clear. Government must get out of the way for business competition to restore ethics in the financial market and create jobs."
"The Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, HR 4173, is unconstitutional. The Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3, regulates commerce between the United States and foreign countries, between the United States or any state and the Indians, or commerce between two or more States. The Commerce Clause does not regulate business generally."
Frank Pallone has been meddling in and destroying our economy for over two decades. His liberal party-line voting record is evidence of his complete misunderstanding of how our economy actually works. Rather than getting to the root causes of the issue, career politicians like Frank Pallone, who have never held a real job in their lives, continue instead to stir passions and promote “solutions” that have been tried, tested and proven as failures.
It’s time the 6th District elected someone with the common sense and understanding necessary to reform Washington before destroying our economy with more useless, costly Wall Street reforms.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
"Can Anna Little Pull Off a Rand Paul?"
May 19, 2010
In politics, there are a few markers if you will, used to gauge the outcome of a particular race by the outcome of another. Those markers are trends and comparability.
In New Jersey for example, only one of the upcoming NJ GOP Primary races in June matches up closely with the Rand Paul vs. Trey Grayson US Senate Primary race out of Kentucky.
And that race is Anna Little, grassroots Conservative vs. Diane Gooch establishment RINO in the 6th Congressional District.
The funny thing about last night’s race in Kentucky is that Trey Grayson has more in common with Rand Paul politically then Diane Gooch has with Anna Little. And the results last night were a landslide victory for Rand Paul.
So how do we capture that winning model for Anna Little here in New Jersey. Of course it takes money, and Rand Paul raised it. Anna Little will have a more difficult time doing so against self-funding millionaire Diane Gooch, and with Gooch’s husband not donating to Frank Pallone this election cycle, she will have even more to spend on her own campaign!
But putting money aside, Anna Little is receiving the same support, endorsements from Conservatives and Tea Party people that Rand Paul received. And while Rand Paul received endorsements from Nationally known Conservative figures, that was for a State-wide race, while Anna Little’s endorsement are coming from Tea Party in New Jersey and Pennsylvania and her endorsements are coming from New Jersey Conservatives and Conservative organizations, but for a more compact race in a defined area.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Little, Bateman, and Corsi to Speak at Shore Shot Pistol Range

Congressional candidate for New Jersey's 6th district and strong supporter of the Second Amendment, Anna Little, will be speaking on May 22, 2010 at the Shore Shot Pistol Range in Lakewood, NJ. Alan Bateman of New Jersey’s 4th district and David Corsi of the 12th district will also speak alongside Anna. The owner of Shore Shot Pistol Range, Bill Sherman, will be hosting the event which will run from 11:30 – 1:00 pm this Saturday. “I am very happy to host three pro-Second Amendment candidates at my indoor shooting range.”
Anna Little strongly supports the Second Amendment and the right of an individual, not just “militia”, to bear arms. When asked about the Amendment, Anna said, “I will vigorously work to protect this fundamental right. The Second Amendment contains no restriction on a citizen’s right to keep and bear arms and I believe that is the proper interpretation. ”
Come out and support the Congressional candidates at the Shore Shot Pistol Range located at 730 Airport Road in Lakewood, New Jersey.
To learn more about Anna Little and stay updated on future events visit her official website at:
And don’t forget to follow Anna on Facebook and Twitter.
For directions to Saturday’s event visit
Monday, May 17, 2010
Tea Party 2010: People Taking Government Back
By: Mayor Anna Little
Perhaps the most inspiring moments of my political life have been the impassioned discourse in which I've participated at recent constitutional rallies and conservative town hall meetings. The passion and conviction of the individuals in attendance has given life to a movement from coast to coast throughout the United States. Choosing to run for elected office is a significant moment in the life of an elected official. While I have run for election before, my campaigns have never felt so significant as this one does today.
The United States of America is in crisis. The economy is ailing, jobs are scarce, and government stimulus or bailouts promise to perpetuate these conditions by driving taxes higher, increasing the cost of doing business. Employers not only hesitate to hire due to these conditions, but they consider downsizing to weather the economic storm. Layoffs have left families without health insurance at a time when job loss makes payment of medical bills difficult or impossible.
The government solution to health care, while noble in concept, again drives taxes higher, and when implemented may drive individuals into bankruptcy and employers out of business. Further Americans are frightened that a government option for healthcare means government directed rationed care, eliminating doctor patient privilege and patient treatment choice. In this moment when financial stress is at an all time high, Americans now fear that they will not be able to obtain good quality, timely medical care for themselves or for their loved ones.
Terrorism at the hands of anti-American groups has finally touched American soil. Americans are demanding that the borders of this nation be secured to protect the constitutional rights and the safety of American citizens. A call to action has been heard from coast to coast for strict enforcement of existing immigration law, especially against those immigrants not legally present in the United States. In essence, the American people are stating that laws on the books in this country must be strictly followed and enforced. When immigrants come to America, the country of immigrants, they must come legally in respect of America's immigration law.
The conditions described above have caused Americans from all walks of life to rise up, leave their homes, and gather in public meeting places to discuss these issues, and create a plan of action. At these gatherings I have met neighbors, friends, military veterans, mothers, and grandmothers. The list can go on. The common theme is patriotism, demonstrated by a devotion to the American flag and the history of this nation's founding. Since visiting Washington DC as a college student on a Washington Center Internship I have carried the inspiration of the founding fathers with me as I serve in government. The participants in this Tea Party movement are singing to my soul.
Our founding fathers gave birth to a nation governed in self-determination "…of the people, by the people, and for the people…" As the founders rose against military occupation, taxation without representation, and the bailout of a tea company, Americans today are rising against representatives who hear but fail to listen, who act independently without representing the views of the people they serve. Constituents are demanding that elected representatives take direction from the people, not politics and special interests.
In essence Tea Party 2010 is against taxation with false representation. Our founders had to use muskets and violent revolution to achieve their goals. Today we use their legacy, the Constitution of the United States, and the election process to effect a peaceful revolution in Congress. I am honored to be a candidate representing these proud and passionate Americans, and working with them in 2010 when the People Will Take Government Back.
Mayor Anna Little of the Borough of Highlands is a former Monmouth County Freeholder and a Candidate for Congress in the June 8 Republican Primary Election for Congressional District 6.
Mayor Anna Little
Borough of Highlands
Seeking the Republican Nomination
for Congressional District 6
cellular phone 732 216 4771
Monday, May 10, 2010
NJ Tea Party Endorses Anna Little
For Immediate Release
Contact: Xenia Haines
P.O. Box 382
Highlands, NJ 07332
(732) 216-4771
Anna Little's Campaign Gains Tea Party Momentum
Congressional candidate for New Jersey's 6th district, Mayor Anna Little of Highlands, has been endorsed by NJTeaParty, an association of the leaders of individual Tea Party organizations and other conservative organizations in and around New Jersey. The May 7th endorsement by NJTeaParty is an impressive encore to Anna Little's endorsement by the Middlesex County Tea Party on Thursday, May 6th.
“Anna Little will be an outstanding, genuine and Constitutionally-centered Congresswoman for the 6th district” said Rev Steven Maness, Chairman of the Middlesex County Tea Party.
Anna Little is no stranger to the Tea Party movement. On April 27, Little joined NJTeaParty in presenting a petition calling on Governor Chris Christie to mount legal opposition to the National Health Care Act. To date, Anna Little has been endorsed by the Bay Shore Tea Party, Jersey Shore Tea Party Patriots and Independence Hall Tea Party PAC.
The former Monmouth County Freeholder has also received support from the Conservative Party of New Jersey. Little caught the attention of Chairman Steven Spinosa at the Americans For Prosperity Congressional Forum on March 27th, where she was the overwhelming winner of the straw poll co-sponsored by Americans for Prosperity and the Political Club for Growth.
Accolades have also come from the facebook fan page of Conservative talk radio juggernaut, Rush Limbaugh, which recommended Mayor Little to more than 78,000 followers via Facebook on April 30th: “Let's profile another conservative candidate! Check out Anna Little, a great candidate running for Congress in the 6th district in New Jersey! She seems to have a great platform, and we want to see her elected in November!”
Mayor Little's core values of fiscal responsibility, free market principles, and Constitutionally limited government are in keeping of those embraced by the Tea Party movement.
Anna Little, who has been called the only true Conservative seeking office in the 6th Congressional district by the Conservative Party of New Jersey’s Executive Director & Vice Chairman Michael Illions, certainly is a rising star on the political scene.
For more information on Anna Little's campaign visit:
Follow Anna Little on Facebook:
Follow Anna Little on Twitter:
Friday, May 7, 2010
Middlesex County Tea Party endorses Anna Little for Congress
C/o 6 Stradford Road
Parlin, N.J. 08859
(908) 565 – 4062
Rev. Steven Maness, Ph.D., D.D. - Chairman
Press Release
Date: May 6, 2010
Contact: Steve Maness
Subject: Endorsement
I am very privileged, on behalf of the exponentially growing membership of the Middlesex County Tea Party, to endorse Mayor Anna Little for U.S. Congress – 6th District. We have clearly discerned the candidates and the issues, and our membership overwhelmingly endorsed Mayor Anna Little during our meeting last evening.
Her primary opponent, Diane Gooch, was invited at least five times to come speak with us. She chose to ignore us and the large constituency we are representative of. Mayor Little’s congressional opponent, Frank Pallone offers a free people nothing but more of the same failed Washington politics, and his goal of being a “career” politician.
Anna Little will be an outstanding, genuine and Constitutionally – centered Congresswoman for the 6th District. We share our affirmation of her with our fellow citizens in the 6th District, and respectfully ask you to support her in her efforts to restore constitutionally - limited government, fiscal responsibility and free market economics.
Anna Little Campaign Sponsors Bike Run
Congressional candidate for New Jersey's 6th district, Anna Little, is sponsoring an event sure to be a crowd pleaser. The 1st Annual Run for Your Rights is taking place on Saturday May 15th, 2010 with a rain date set for Saturday May 22nd. Motorcycle enthusiasts are invited to a day of food, fun and live music with Mayor Anna Little of Highlands, NJ.
The 1st Annual Run for Your Rights commences with a 9:30-11:30 am sign in at Bahr's Landing Marina, located at 2 Bay Avenue in Highlands. A complimentary light breakfast will be served during the sign in. Live music will be performed after the run. The ride will begin promptly at noon, accompanied by a state police escort. Attendance is free; participation costs are $15.00 per rider and $10.00 per passenger. Generous contributors of $1000.00 may elect to have the “Tea Party Approved” Republican and experienced motorcycle passenger on the back of their bike.
Motoring enthusiasts are invited to join Anna after the Bike Run at Beacon on the Bay Restaurant, located at 1 Willow Street in Highlands, where Mayor Little will make a brief speech and answer questions. Organized by concerned constituents of the 6th District, all proceeds from the event benefit the Anna Little for Congress Campaign. Mayor Little has seen an overwhelming turnout of true grassroots volunteers who believe she represents the real change New Jersey so desperately needs in Washington.
The 1st Annual Run for Your Rights is expects the community grassroots energy to draw a crowd of Mayor Little's supporters and motorcycle clubs (such as the Blue Knights). Also included in the crowd will be hot rod aficionados and of course, the families of District 6. Mayor Anna Little, former Monmouth County Freeholder has received endorsements from the Bay Shore Tea Party, Jersey Shore Tea Party Patriots, Conservative Party of NJ PAC and Independence Hall Tea Party PAC.
For more information on The 1st Annual Run for Your Rights, contact Pat at (732) 985-5123 or visit:
Follow Anna Little on Facebook:
=Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Independence Hall Tea Party PAC Endorses Mayor Anna Little
For Immediate Release
Contact: Don Adams, 215.620.3055
Independence Hall Tea Party PAC Endorses PA And NJ
Congressional Primary Candidates;
Raises Money For Congressional Candidate Tim Burns (PA-12)
Independence Mall, Philadelphia, PA -- (May 2, 2010) -- The Independence Hall Tea Party PAC, the only federally registered tea party PAC in the tri-state region, announced its endorsed Pennsylvania and New Jersey Congressional Primary Candidates, today, at a Press Conference held during a Take Back Congress Wine and Cheese Benefit at the Independence Visitor Center.
The Following Candidates were endorsed:
PA US Senate.................................................The Honorable Pat Toomey
PA Congressional District 6.................................Congressman James Gerlach
PA Congressional District 7..................................The Honorable Pat Meehan
PA Congressional District 8............................The Honorable Mike Fitzpatrick
PA Congressional District 11 (R)...................................Mayor Lou Barletta
PA Congressional District 11 (D)......................................Mr. Brian Kelly
PA Congressional District 13.........................................Mr. Josh Quinter
PA Congressional District 15.................................Congressman Charlie Dent
PA Congressional District 16....................................Congressman Joe Pitts
PA Congressional District 17................................State Senator Dave Argall
NJ Congressional District 1............................. Mr. Dale Glading
NJ Congressional District 3..............................Mr. John Runyan
NJ Congressional District 6..............................Mayor Anna Little
NJ Congressional District 12............................ Mr. Scott Sipprelle
"We think our endorsed candidates can win in November... and if they do win, you can be sure Nancy Pelosi will no longer be Speaker of the House," said PAC Vice President for New Jersey, Bill Green.
"Our board, comprised of members from the tri-state region, carefully and thoughtfully considered the candidates and, in almost every instance, reached a unanimous decision."
The candidates were judged individually on their platform, credibility, and viability.
One of the candidates, Brian Kelly, is a conservative running in the Democratic primary against Congressman Paul Kanjorski (PA-11).
"We recognize Brian Kelly is an underdog but his conservative platform matches our own and we wish to have an impact on both political parties," said Mr. Green. "So we unanimously voted to endorse him."
In advance of Sunday's event, the PAC announced its endorsement of Pennsylvania Congressional Candidate Tim Burns (R-12), running in a Special Election to fill the seat vacated by the late John Murtha.
"Proceeds from today's Benefit will be given to the Tim Burns for Congress Campaign," said PAC Treasurer, Chris Thompson. "Tim Burns is in the process of pulling off a major political upset."
"Our goal, of course, is to 'Take Back Congress,'" Thompson said. "We hope to
do so one election at a time."
# # #
The Independence Hall Tea Party PAC was formed in February, 2010 to assist federal candidates in the tri-state region (PA, NJ, DE) who share the organization's commitment to limited government, fiscal responsibility, and lower taxes. The PAC's website is currently under construction.