Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Importance of Independence Day In Light of Current Events

HIGHLANDS, NJ, July 3rd – Sixth District Congressional candidate, Anna Little, said that, as
we prepare to celebrate the anniversary of our Independence, “We must unite all Americans to
repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), otherwise known as
Obamacare, and pass a new health care law that protects our freedoms and liberties.”
When the United States of America declared its independence in 1776 from British rule, securing
our God-given rights were of primary importance in forming the new nation's government. These
rights include the inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But today, our
rights are being gravely eroded by the President and his supporters in the Senate and House of
The PPACA “tax” and penalties that force individuals to buy health insurance does NOT make
health care affordable, but it does destroy liberty. Its health care mandate destroys our First
Amendment right to religious freedom as it threatens to close religiously affiliated health
institutions that refuse to perform abortions, sterilizations, or offer prescription birth control.
These elective medical procedures are NOT required to maintain women’s health, but are aimed
squarely at destroying life, the first inalienable right named in the Declaration.
Cardinal Francis George of Chicago, who formerly served as the president of the U.S.
Conference of Catholic Bishops, said that the “HHS regulation will mean the destruction of
Catholic institutions in this country.” He laments that Catholic institutions face a pyrrhic choice
of paying exorbitant and unsustainable annual fines or shutting down. As Bishop Michael
Sheridan of Colorado Springs warns, the “highest levels of our federal government are trying to
push a Communist understanding of ‘freedom’ on Americans of faith.”
Compare the Church's choices with those faced by couples in China, who must choose between
paying a fine for having a second child, or the child’s life being forcibly terminated. In fact, the
Communist government continues to forcibly perform abortions on women even in late-term
pregnancy, to enforce compliance with their onerous one-child-per-family law.
While the governments of Europe and Japan do not impose fines or forced abortions, socialized
medicine/socialist policies are slowly bringing about a reality in which only the wealthy can have
a child. Despite having socialized health care, the number of children born per woman is not
enough to prevent the population of these industrialized countries from shrinking. Even having
just one child puts a family at risk for living in poverty and relying on government assistance.
Oppressive taxes and high health care costs associated with child birth and family care largely
factor into this decline: Couples simply can not afford to have and raise children.
Here in the United States, the State of California demonstrates that socialized health care is not
affordable or sustainable. Scores of millionaire actors, professional athletes, and business
professionals reside in California. Despite the state’s ability to tax its many millionaires,
California still has a $15.7 billion deficit on their proposed $92 billion budget. The crippling
costs from their unrealistic health care system contributes significantly to this deficit.
Our Founding Fathers established the Constitution of the United States of America so their
children and future generations, can live in freedom and prosperity. We must unite now to elect
a new President, Senator, and Congressional Representatives, who will uphold the founders’
vision. We must unite across political parties to elect the best candidates who will give their all
to serve We the People, instead of expecting We the People to give them all we have.
As we celebrate our nation's Independence Day tomorrow with our family, friends, and children,
let us be very thankful for our liberty and way of life. We must not forget that many in Europe
and Asia, either by economic pressure or government oppression, are needlessly denied many
freedoms we enjoy, including the opportunity to have children.
For more information about Anna Little for Congress, or to volunteer, please visit
www.annalittleforcongress.com or call 732-658-5461.

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