Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Little: My Determination To Repeal Obamacare Isn't Little At All

Republican Congressional challenger Anna Little responds to news reports indicating that Boeing has curtailed employees' health benefits in the wake of the government takeover of healthcare, and repeats her determination to repeal Obamacare.


Oct 19, 2010

CONTACT: Susan Barry
Anna C. Little for Congress, Inc.


(HIGHLANDS, October 19) - Republican Congressional challenger Anna Little - responding to news reports indicating that Boeing has joined a growing list of major American corporations that have decided to curtail their employees' health benefits in the wake of the government takeover of healthcare - today reiterated her determination to repeal Obamacare when she gets to Congress in January.

"We said from the beginning," said Little, "that if this monstrosity passed, companies would be forced to make a hard choice between dropping coverage for their employees or raising their employees' contributions to their benefits. Yesterday, Boeing announced that it is joining the long and growing list of companies that is already beginning to curtail benefits for its employees - in this case, for their 90,000 non-union employees.

"The government takeover of healthcare - 'Pallonecare,' in honor of his declaration that 'This is not Obama's bill. This isn't Nancy Pelosi's bill. It's MY bill' - was wrong on several fronts. It is bad medicine, and it is bad for business. And I cannot for the life of me understand why our Representative would think it was a good thing to raise the cost of doing business at a time when we're trying to dig our way out of a jobless recovery.

"Washington just doesn't get it," continued Little. "Rather than take the right kind of actions - like voting to extend ALL the current tax rates for EVERY federal taxpayer, so that the entrepreneurs and job-creators in our economy know what will be the tax rates they face next year, and can make investment decisions accordingly - our leaders focus on growing the size of government and the reach of government, pushing it into areas it has no business being.

"Repealing Pallonecare will be the first step to restoring our nation's economic growth," said Little. "And the second step will be to extend the current tax rates for ALL of America's taxpayers, so that NO ONE faces a tax hike in the middle of a jobless recovery.

"Remember, you cannot change Washington without changing the people we send to Washington!"

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