Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Anna C. Little Speaks at Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference

HIGHLANDS, NJ, June 27 – On Saturday, June 16, Congressional District 6
Candidate, Anna Little joined other nationally known conservatives in speaking to the
assembled Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference in Washington, D.C. Little's
remarks were made as an invited member of the conference's "Mama Grizzly" panel,
composed of women leaders from around the country.
The Faith and Freedom Coalition is a grassroots conservative organization committed
to “the simple virtues of faith, hard work, marriage, family, personal responsibility, and
helping the least among us.” It embraces “respect for the sanctity and dignity of life,
family, and marriage,” and advocates for limited government, lower taxes, fiscal
responsibility, and free markets. Since its founding in 2009, the group has grown to over
500,000 members, supporters, and volunteers nationwide.
The 2012 Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference, the organization’s third annual
national conference, held from June 14 to 16 in Washington D.C.’s Renaissance Hotel,
attracted over 1,000 participants. Many prominent speakers addressed the Conference,
including presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, Florida Senator
Marco Rubio, former presidential candidates Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, and
Herman Cain, and conservative talk-show icon Glenn Beck.
Emily Miller, Senior Editor of the Washington Times, moderated the Mama Grizzly
Panel, while Sher Valenzuela, candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Delaware, and
Colleen Holmes, Executive Director of Eagle Forum, joined Anna Little on the panel
Anna Little encouraged the panel’s audience not to “be shy about telling your neighbors
about your values and your sense of what is right and what is wrong, because it is you –
We the People – that direct this government and it’s you – We the People – who will
elect the next President of the United States and the Senators [and Representatives] we
need to take back control of this government and to set things right.”
Responding to a question about repealing Obamacare, Mayor Anna Little said, “I am a
daughter, a mother and a wife. It is my job to take care of my family. God help the
government bureaucrat who comes between me and my family and the medical care
they need.”
Regarding the role of women in politics, Little commented, “The women in New Jersey
are leading the charge. The women who are changing the political landscape in this
election cycle are the volunteers at the local level, who are stepping up to inform the
voting public about economic issues and the need for change in government
Little also noted her strong belief “that we [candidates for public office] should not stay
in elected office for long. We should go back and live under the laws that we have
made.” In contrast, Little’s opponent in the race to represent Congressional District 6
has been in office for 24 years.
For more information about Anna Little for Congress, or to volunteer, visit or call 732-658-5461.

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