Friday, May 7, 2010

Middlesex County Tea Party endorses Anna Little for Congress

Middlesex County, N.J. Tea Party
C/o 6 Stradford Road
Parlin, N.J. 08859
(908) 565 – 4062
Rev. Steven Maness, Ph.D., D.D. - Chairman

Press Release

Date: May 6, 2010
Contact: Steve Maness
Subject: Endorsement

I am very privileged, on behalf of the exponentially growing membership of the Middlesex County Tea Party, to endorse Mayor Anna Little for U.S. Congress – 6th District. We have clearly discerned the candidates and the issues, and our membership overwhelmingly endorsed Mayor Anna Little during our meeting last evening.

Her primary opponent, Diane Gooch, was invited at least five times to come speak with us. She chose to ignore us and the large constituency we are representative of. Mayor Little’s congressional opponent, Frank Pallone offers a free people nothing but more of the same failed Washington politics, and his goal of being a “career” politician.

Anna Little will be an outstanding, genuine and Constitutionally – centered Congresswoman for the 6th District. We share our affirmation of her with our fellow citizens in the 6th District, and respectfully ask you to support her in her efforts to restore constitutionally - limited government, fiscal responsibility and free market economics.

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